Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Health benefits of drinking water

Every human is made out of water, and it is needed to survive. It is very possible That the cause of your disease is because you are dehydrated. Lack of water can cause lack of energy, inflammation, or pretty much any problem.

You must drink one ounce of water for every two pounds that you weigh. so if you weigh 150 pounds you must drink 75 ounces of water every day.

Another thing to consider is that if you consume soda, coffee, or any other beverage that contains caffeine, you must drink extra water because these caffeinated drinks are considered diuretic. This means that they draw water out of the body.

If you are trying to lose weight, water will help in this process as it will help to cleanse your cells, and dilute toxins.

Remember that only water is water, no matter what any other product claims to do, science can not improve water.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Qi Gong and its many health benefits

In an article written by Kenneth M. Sancier it was stated that Qi Gong is a traditional form of exercise practiced in the eastern world, as a part of Traditional Chinese medicine.
It can be described as a series of flowing motions, stretches, and deep breathing, that has many health benefits.
These benefits include anti-aging, endocrine gland function, improved balance. It may even be a reason why people in the eastern world live such long healthy lives.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sleep Hygiene

In the united states there are more people deficient in sleep than anywhere in the world. Because being over scheduled is a status symbol in American culture, we lose time for sleep. However sleep is not something that should be over looked! I am the Massage Therapist for Empower Massage, I also suffered from insomnia for about eight years. One day I decided to make some healthy life changes, and magically I instantly became a former insomniac. Here are the reasons for my drastic improvements in my sleeping habits.

1. Stop eating fast food, and other processed foods

2.Get some sunlight during the day, this will release natural melatonin, and also supplement Vitamin D

3. Stop consuming large amounts of sugar

4. It is also my opinion that you should stop eating meats produced with artificial growth hormones

I have been sleeping like a baby since 2006, and have greatly improved my health. Now I want to share the information I have with everyone. I could not be where I am in my life right now if it was not for me improving my sleep habits. I would also like to point out that I do not take any prescription drugs, as it is well known that they have dangerous side effects!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Rebounding is a great form of exercise

We all know that there are many great forms of exercise to choose from. If you belong to a gym you probably will not be able to find a rebounder there.
But they should consider providing them for their members. A rebounder is a miniature trampoline. Just 20 minutes of jumping on a rebounder per day,will move more lymphatic fluid than an hour walk, or even an hour massage!
The reason rebounding is such a great form of exercise is because it stimulates every cell including all organs and glands…. boosting the immune system.
It will increase the amount of oxygen in your tissue including muscles, bones, organs, and glands. After your first week you will also notice a large increase in energy!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Magnet and copper bracelets

A lot of people ask me “what can I do between massage therapy sessions to manage the pain in my hand and forearm?”
One of the best things that i can recommend is a hematite magnet, and or copper bracelet.
the reason that this is so effective is because copper increases circulation, and therefore alleviates sore muscles, and magnets restore energy flow.
Magnets are effective for carpal tunnel, arthritis, tennis elbow, or just after a long days work. Post a comment about your success stories from wearing magnets for pain relief.

Dr Oz supports Natuorpathic Medicine!

On Monday March first 2010 the Dr Oz show Invited Holistic health care practitioners Dr Joseph Mercola and Deepak Chopra to his show to discuss alternative medicine. While it may have been an eye opening experience for some, we at empower massage have been Practicing holistic modalities since day one. Even dr oz’s wife is a reiki practitioner! If you would like to learn more about about naturopathic medicine please don’t hesitate to ask a question, or if you would like to experience any of these modalities for your self you can contact us at 203 430 3163

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Massage therapy is growing in popularity

Massage therapy is growing in popularity in the United States in recent years. Most of this growth has been fueled by consumers. The American population is becoming more knowledgeable about the benefits of massage therapy. This includes back pain, carpal tunnel,sciatica, or any other soft tissue injury, or chronic pain. please watch this short video to learn more!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Improve your health by eating more raw food

Raw food is not a fad, it is a natural way to eat. Raw food is full of enzymes and much more nutrition than processed food. When food is processed it not only loses its nutritional value, but in many cases it becomes toxic. Raw food diet can improve many conditions such as cancer, arthritis,colds and flu's. Another benefit is an extra huge burst of energy! watch this video to learn more!