Thursday, March 31, 2011

How an inversion table can improve your life

An inversion table can improve your back pain, increase blood flow to the brain, and decompress your spine. 10 minutes a day can have amazing results. If you are sick and tired of your doctor telling you you need drugs and surgery for your back pain, you need to empower yourself by watching this video. This is the table I personally own, very affordable, and safe!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Massage therapists are going to become doctors!

There has been a drastic change for the image of massage therapists in the last 20 to 30 years. However there are 5,000 years of research that prove that it works, and should be considered part of the medical community.

The world massage festival is highlighting and celebrating the medical benefits of massage therapy! There are an unlimited amount of modalities for massage therapy, and it can treat any health problem from back pain to TMJ, to sciatica.

Although people may not realize, massage therapists are highly trained in Anatomy, Kinesiology, pathology, Asian modalities ,CPR, and business skills. This image changes has been fueled, by demand and education of consumers. The United State is finally beginning to catch up with the rest of the world, when it comes to understanding the true health benefits if massage therapy!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Vitamin E

In my personal opinion one of the vitamins that Americans are deficient in is vitamin E. One of the reasons people are deficient in vitamin E is because it is only found in small amounts in food.
Some of the benefits of taking vitamin E are increased blood flow, increased circulation, helps get oxygen into your cells, is a powerful anti-oxidant , and works as a natural blood thinner.
As always I feel that the best source of vitamin E is a whole food supplement. The best whole food source of vitamin E is rice bran oil, or wheat germ oil.
Another way to get your vitamin E is to go to your health food store, and ask for full spectrum vitamin E. Avoid “dry” versions of vitamin E, because vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin, so it is not easily absorbed this way.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Healthy Vitamin D from the sun

There has been a lot of talk about vitamin D, as a way to prevent health problems. But did you know that the number one source of vitamin D is from the sun.
There are many health benefits from daily sun exposure. Some of them are improved sleeping habits, improved depression, improved digestion, and less colds and flu’s.
If you are new to getting sun exposure there are some rules you should follow. Start off slow, depending on your skin complexion. Start in the spring time, and build up your time in the sun.
This way you will not get sunburn, and remember if you use sunscreen you will be blocking your vitamin D absorption. Wear light colored clothes to the beach, and bring something to cover up in case you start to burn.
If you live north of Los Angles, you will not be able to benefit from the suns health benefits from November to March। During this time you can supplement shiitake mushrooms, or cod liver oil. This way you can keep up with your vitamin D all winter.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tiffany Field P. H. D.

There is no one more responsible for conducting evidence based studies that prove the health benefits of massage than Tiffany Field. Back in 1982 she began her studies, and by 1992 she established the touch research institute at the university of Miami school of medicine.

Early on she became known for a study that showed premature infants would gain more weight if they had massage. She has been involved in more than 350 medical journal articles.

According to her studies, there is not a single condition that dose not improve when massage is applied.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Improve your health by taking fresh water algae daily

Fresh water algae is a true super food! It is considered one of natures most complete foods on the planet.

It is full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and more! Fresh water algae such as chlorella is a great way to remove heavy metals such as mercury and lead from your system. It is also a great antioxidant.

It supplements iodine, which stimulates the thyroid. It contains chlorophyll which is known to have many health benefits.

Please watch the following two videos the first one is on the health benefits of chlorella and the next one is how to detox your body using chlorella.